dimanche 9 novembre 2014

Israel police on alert after the death of an Israeli Arab, who was killed by an officer

Des Affrontements Ont eu lieu between la police et de jeunes Arabes Israelis à Kafr Cana, Dans Le nord d'Israël.
Des affrontements ont eu lieu entre la police et les jeunes Arabes israéliens à Kafr Cana dans le nord d'Israël.

A new level was reached in Israel in the cycle of violence that poses the threat of a new Intifada. In the Arab town of Kafr Kanna, near Haifa (North) several thousand people attended the funeral, Saturday, November 8, a young man of 22 years, Kheir Hamdan, killed the previous night by an Israeli policeman. A "cold-blooded murder," according to the mayor of the city, which infuriated Israeli Arabs. They represent 20% of the population, but feel discriminated against incessant as second-class citizens.
Clashes with police took place at the entrance of Kafr Kanna. Sunday, in fear of a spread of the protest, the police were placed on alert. A call for a general strike to shops and schools was initiated by representatives of the Israeli Arab community. Meanwhile, night riots continue in the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, as Chouafat, Wadi Joz and Sur Baher.

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