jeudi 11 septembre 2014

Scotland: RBS moves its headquarters in England if a yes vote

  Look what can be done with a yes vote !

La Royal Bank of Scotland fait partie des six banques condamne par la commission européenne pour entente illégale

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) warned Thursday, September 11 that it would move its headquarters - currently in Edinburgh - England if Scotland chooses independence in the historic referendum on 18 September. 
The bank said in a statement that it would retain a significant portion of its operations and its staff north of the new border. Lloyds Banking Group is also present in Scotland, said it would take too resettlement initiatives in England if yes should prevail. The breakthrough of independence supporters in the polls began to worry the bankers and insurers whose Scottish wholesale customer is British.

New EU sanctions and the United States against Moscow, the Kremlin threatens to replicate

                               New sanction for Russia:

      Un blindé des prorusses dans la région de Louhansk, le 10 septembre.

The twenty-eight member states of the European Union (EU) found, Thursday, Sept. 11, an agreement that tougher economic sanctions against Russia come into force on Friday. Six major Russian defense companies and energy - including oil companies Rosneft and Transneft and oil arm Gazprom - are thus restricting their access to capital markets.
The European Union has also decided to add twenty to four hundred names to the Russian and Ukrainian pro-Russian figures objects of targeted sanctions, asset freezes and visa bans. President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said that the EU could lift its sanctions on the assessment to be made by the end of September on the progress of the peace plan in Ukraine.

These retaliatory measures taken to keep the pressure on Moscow despite a primer relaxing in eastern Ukraine, had been formally adopted Monday night but states struggled to agree on the timing of their entry into force.
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