dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Repression is increasing in the Gulf thanks to the offensive against Daech

Ali Salman Ahmed Salman, chef du mouvement chiite Wefaq, le 28 octobre à Manama.
Salman Ahmed Ali Salman, head of the Shiite movement Wefaq, October 28 in Manama.

This is the latest draconian measure taken by the oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf. The main opposition group in Bahrain was prohibited activity, Tuesday, Oct. 28, for three months. Shiite Wefaq movement, spearheaded the protests that shook since 2011 this led to an iron fist by a Sunni dynasty, the Al-Khalifa archipelago, was found guilty of violating the law on associations.

The administrative court in Manama accuses him of having held general assemblies without the required quorum and transparency. Bahraini law does not recognize the right to form parties stricto sensu, political actors must comply with the very stringent regulations. "It is not political, ensures Moanes Al-Mardi, the editor of the daily Al-Bilad, acquired power. If they had followed the law, no one would have come bothering. "

Ordered within four weeks of parliamentary elections, the supension of Wefaq is like