vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Burkina Faso, the political cris is in six questions

Sur la place de la Nation de Ouagadougou, le vendredi 31 octobre.
On the Place of the Nation in Ouagadougou Friday, October 31

After twenty-seven years as head of state, President Blaise Compaore announced his resignation in a statement Friday, October 31. After three days of protests, which escalated Thursday, killing at least four people dead, the crowd gathered on the Place de la Nation was greeted by an explosion of joy announcing the departure of its head of state. The epilogue of a regime crisis accelerated, but leaves power on vacation. Update on the situation.
  Who runs the country? 

In its statement, Blaise Compaore says leaving office under Article 43 of the Constitution. The power vacuum being declared, the Constitution of Burkina Faso stated that the interim head of state must be insured by the President of the National Assembly. But the Assembly was dissolved on Thursday night announced the Chief of Staff of the army, General Honore Traore.

"Considering the urgency to save the life of the nation," Honore Traore has announced that he would take "from this day [his] responsibilities as head of state. "The senior officer says doing so" in accordance with constitutional provisions "taking the reins of the state.

What will become Blaise Compaoré? 

According to the French diplomacy, the outgoing president left Ouagadougou to win the South. "It's going to Po", near the border with Ghana city, do we explained to Paris, unable to say if the objective of the ex-president was then earn another country, Ghana or Côte d'Ivoire for example. The former head of state did not seek to take refuge in France, and the issue of such an exile is not news, said Paris.

Who will take over as head of state? 

According to the communiqué signed by Blaise Compaore, new elections should be held within 90 days. But unlike the outgoing president, the chief of the General Staff, Honore Traore, remained vague on the timing of the transition, merely to evoke a return to constitutional order as soon as possible.

See also: The African leaders who cling to power

Among the potential candidates to succeed Blaise Compaoré returned in recent days the name of Kouamé lougue. The retired general has indeed a strong capital of sympathy with the protesters, who chanted his name repeatedly in their gatherings. Former minister of defense, he was sacked in 2004 to be heard as a witness in a case of failed coup to oust Blaise Compaoré, for which he ultimately was not worried.

That criticized the opposition Blaise Compaoré? 

Blaise Compaoré intend to stand at 63, a fifth term in November 2015, and to achieve its purposes, amending Article 37 of the Constitution prevents it. The opposition feared a "constitutional coup": that is to say that an amendment of the Basic Law allows Compaore to cling to power, and perform up to three additional terms or fifteen more years to lead the country.

Read also the portrait: Blaise Compaore, President of Burkina Faso challenged after 27 years of reign

Fear all the more justified as the Head of State came to power in a coup had already change the Constitution twice, in 1997 and 2000, to remain in power. He appeared before his resignation sixth African presidents in terms of longevity.

  The street she obtained what she asked? 

Since October 21, when the government announced its bill, several events were organized by the opposition. October 28, including hundreds of thousands of people chanting "Blaise out! "In the streets of Ouagadougou.

See also: Burkina Faso: the day when the street has reduced Compaoré

The announcement by Colonel Boureima Farta, representing the army, the resignation of Mr. Compaoré few minutes before he himself this Friday sparked an explosion of joy of thousands of protesters who s 'were gathered on the Place de la Nation Ouagadougou again before the General Staff of the army.

According to the correspondent of the news agency Reuters, the atmosphere is however somewhat cooled when it appeared that the army chief, General Honore Traore had taken over the country. The protesters had in fact called for the resignation of Honore Traore at the same time as that of Blaise Compaoré. Shared by the representatives of the political opposition demand. "We do not want the general Traoré is business. We need someone worthwhile. Traoré is the henchman of Blaise Compaore, "has accused Monou Tapsoaba, an activist of the People's Movement for Progress (MPP).

What is the result of violence? 

The balance disorders remains uncertain time. Two opponents reported thirty dead and over 100 injured. The Agence France-Presse has confirmed that four dead and six seriously injured in the capital, most occurred during Thursday.

Looting were underway Friday in the government district in Ouagadougou. The day before, the homes of several members of the regime were vandalized or burned in the capital or in Bobo Dioulasso, the second city of the country. The police rarely intervene, no instructions have yet been communicated to the police to stop these flights at large.