jeudi 23 octobre 2014

What is known about the shooting in the Canadian Parliament

Was long believed that there were several shooters in the center of Ottawa, Canada's capital, Wednesday, Oct. 22, as the shots were fed in Parliament, minutes after a Canadian soldier was killed near a memorial. The police chief finally said in the evening that there was only one attacker and that he was killed. 
It all started in the morning, when a man armed with a rifle and dressed in black, according to witnesses, shot a soldier near a war memorial. Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, died when Quick arrived. Three other people were slightly injured. Soon the center of Ottawa was completely sealed off and invested by hundreds of police and heavily armed commandos, supported by light armored vehicles. 

Gunfire then rang inside the Parliament, which was cordoned off by police, as the entire city center. However, contrary to the information initially released, no shooting has taken place in the Rideau shopping center, police said.

The gunman was identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian 32-year récemmment converted to Islam and was radicalized. Ottawa police said not yet be able to establish if multiple assailants were involved.