mardi 28 octobre 2014

Ukraine leader Pravy Sektor ultranationalist party elected

Dmytro Iaroch, dirigeant du parti ultranationaliste ukrainien Pravy Sektor, le 8 mars à Kiev.
Dmytro Iaroch, leader of the ultranationalist party Ukrainian Pravy Sektor, March 8 in Kiev. | AFP / Yury KIRNICHNY

The sworn enemy of the Kremlin, Dmytro Iaroch, leader of the ultranationalist paramilitary movement Ukrainian Pravy Sektor was elected to the occasion of early elections, Sunday, Oct. 26.
The 43-year-old won the election by a majority vote in a district of the Russian speaking Dnipropetrovsk region from which it originates, as an almost final official result.

His party has meanwhile received less than 2% of the national vote while it takes more than 5% to be represented in Parliament.


Pravy Sektor is a movement described by Mr. Iaroch as "nationalist, not fascist," which has gained great popularity among protesters in Kiev is showing during the violent clashes between protesters and security forces, raining pavers and Molotov cocktails at police. The party claims the controversial legacy of Ukrainian Nationalists of the Second World War.

Some of its members are now fighting alongside Ukrainian troops defending Donetsk airport, one of the hot spots on the eastern front, where Kiev fight against pro-Russian separatist rebellion.

In Russia, Dmytro Iaroch is charged with "incitement to terrorism" and Moscow has issued an international arrest warrant against him....