dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Faced with EI, Washington and Tehran do not cooperate:


Washington and Tehran is not cooperating with the EL, it remains an open topic with a different opion


                                       Des combattants de l'EI à Rakka, en Syrie.

     The United States and Iran deny any proposed cooperation in the fight against the jihadists of the Islamic state that control parts of Iraq and Syria, announced on Friday a spokesman for the diplomacy of the two countries . "We're not going to coordinate military action or sharing information with Iran and we do not have plans to do so," said the spokesman for the State Department, Marie Harf.

    However, the United States said they were "obviously open to engagement" with Tehran diplomatic "as [they] did in the past," including Afghanistan, where Tehran and Washington cooperated in late 2001 for the establishment of the regime of Hamid Karzai after the fall of the Taliban. "But we do not coordinate our actions" with Shiite Iran, against fighters of IE, a Sunni armed group ultraradical, assured Ms. Harf.

'Norway killer' claims self-defense, cries in court:

DÉFENDRE SON IDÉOLOGIE SANS recourir à la violence

To avoid a new "barbarism", Breivik wants to create a "fascist" party in Norway:

                                       Breivik, the Norway Killer:

                                           Anders Behring Breivik au tribunal, le 24 août 2012.

    Il assure qu'il "converti" à la cause démocratique et construire le succès électoral du parti néo-nazi Aube dorée en Grèce. Anders Behring Breivik, qui a tué 77 personnes sur l'île norvégienne d'Utoya en 2011, a annoncé vendredi, 5th Septembre veulent créer un parti politique «fasciste» pour mener son combat dans le système démocratique. 
   Dans une lettre de 33 pages recto-verso envoyé à l'Agence France-Presse, l'extrémiste lance «ultimatum» au ministère norvégien de la Justice. Il lui demande de lever les obstacles délibérément placé le juge pour empêcher la base du «Parti fasciste norvégien" (PFN) et "Ligue du Nord" (NL).

In Donetsk, Russian pro protesters occupy the administration building. Ukraine: What should the Europeans and the Americans do?

                                                   Ukraine problems:

A Donetsk, des manifestants prorusses occupent un bâtiment de l'administration.

Ukraine plunged into instability: government buildings are controlled by pro-Russian in several cities of the East, and the West, as the central government in Kiev, seem powerless. Do you think the Europeans and Americans have to increase sanctions and their response to this situation? How can they manage one of the worst crises in Europe since the end of the Cold War?