dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Faced with EI, Washington and Tehran do not cooperate:


Washington and Tehran is not cooperating with the EL, it remains an open topic with a different opion


                                       Des combattants de l'EI à Rakka, en Syrie.

     The United States and Iran deny any proposed cooperation in the fight against the jihadists of the Islamic state that control parts of Iraq and Syria, announced on Friday a spokesman for the diplomacy of the two countries . "We're not going to coordinate military action or sharing information with Iran and we do not have plans to do so," said the spokesman for the State Department, Marie Harf.

    However, the United States said they were "obviously open to engagement" with Tehran diplomatic "as [they] did in the past," including Afghanistan, where Tehran and Washington cooperated in late 2001 for the establishment of the regime of Hamid Karzai after the fall of the Taliban. "But we do not coordinate our actions" with Shiite Iran, against fighters of IE, a Sunni armed group ultraradical, assured Ms. Harf.

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