vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Burkina Faso, the political cris is in six questions

Sur la place de la Nation de Ouagadougou, le vendredi 31 octobre.
On the Place of the Nation in Ouagadougou Friday, October 31

After twenty-seven years as head of state, President Blaise Compaore announced his resignation in a statement Friday, October 31. After three days of protests, which escalated Thursday, killing at least four people dead, the crowd gathered on the Place de la Nation was greeted by an explosion of joy announcing the departure of its head of state. The epilogue of a regime crisis accelerated, but leaves power on vacation. Update on the situation.
  Who runs the country? 

In its statement, Blaise Compaore says leaving office under Article 43 of the Constitution. The power vacuum being declared, the Constitution of Burkina Faso stated that the interim head of state must be insured by the President of the National Assembly. But the Assembly was dissolved on Thursday night announced the Chief of Staff of the army, General Honore Traore.

"Considering the urgency to save the life of the nation," Honore Traore has announced that he would take "from this day [his] responsibilities as head of state. "The senior officer says doing so" in accordance with constitutional provisions "taking the reins of the state.

What will become Blaise Compaoré? 

According to the French diplomacy, the outgoing president left Ouagadougou to win the South. "It's going to Po", near the border with Ghana city, do we explained to Paris, unable to say if the objective of the ex-president was then earn another country, Ghana or Côte d'Ivoire for example. The former head of state did not seek to take refuge in France, and the issue of such an exile is not news, said Paris.

Who will take over as head of state? 

According to the communiqué signed by Blaise Compaore, new elections should be held within 90 days. But unlike the outgoing president, the chief of the General Staff, Honore Traore, remained vague on the timing of the transition, merely to evoke a return to constitutional order as soon as possible.

See also: The African leaders who cling to power

Among the potential candidates to succeed Blaise Compaoré returned in recent days the name of Kouamé lougue. The retired general has indeed a strong capital of sympathy with the protesters, who chanted his name repeatedly in their gatherings. Former minister of defense, he was sacked in 2004 to be heard as a witness in a case of failed coup to oust Blaise Compaoré, for which he ultimately was not worried.

That criticized the opposition Blaise Compaoré? 

Blaise Compaoré intend to stand at 63, a fifth term in November 2015, and to achieve its purposes, amending Article 37 of the Constitution prevents it. The opposition feared a "constitutional coup": that is to say that an amendment of the Basic Law allows Compaore to cling to power, and perform up to three additional terms or fifteen more years to lead the country.

Read also the portrait: Blaise Compaore, President of Burkina Faso challenged after 27 years of reign

Fear all the more justified as the Head of State came to power in a coup had already change the Constitution twice, in 1997 and 2000, to remain in power. He appeared before his resignation sixth African presidents in terms of longevity.

  The street she obtained what she asked? 

Since October 21, when the government announced its bill, several events were organized by the opposition. October 28, including hundreds of thousands of people chanting "Blaise out! "In the streets of Ouagadougou.

See also: Burkina Faso: the day when the street has reduced Compaoré

The announcement by Colonel Boureima Farta, representing the army, the resignation of Mr. Compaoré few minutes before he himself this Friday sparked an explosion of joy of thousands of protesters who s 'were gathered on the Place de la Nation Ouagadougou again before the General Staff of the army.

According to the correspondent of the news agency Reuters, the atmosphere is however somewhat cooled when it appeared that the army chief, General Honore Traore had taken over the country. The protesters had in fact called for the resignation of Honore Traore at the same time as that of Blaise Compaoré. Shared by the representatives of the political opposition demand. "We do not want the general Traoré is business. We need someone worthwhile. Traoré is the henchman of Blaise Compaore, "has accused Monou Tapsoaba, an activist of the People's Movement for Progress (MPP).

What is the result of violence? 

The balance disorders remains uncertain time. Two opponents reported thirty dead and over 100 injured. The Agence France-Presse has confirmed that four dead and six seriously injured in the capital, most occurred during Thursday.

Looting were underway Friday in the government district in Ouagadougou. The day before, the homes of several members of the regime were vandalized or burned in the capital or in Bobo Dioulasso, the second city of the country. The police rarely intervene, no instructions have yet been communicated to the police to stop these flights at large.

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

"Do not defeat the Islamic state militarily, it must overcome its ideology"

Falah Mustafa Bakir (à gauche), le 16 septembre à Washington, en compagnie d'Ed Royce, président de la commission des affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants.
Falah Mustafa Bakir (left), September 16 in Washington, along with Ed Royce, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. 

Falah Mustafa, foreign minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq, calling for an Arab regional military force fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
The decision to send 150 Peshmerga fighters in Iraqi Kurdistan with heavy weaponry Kobané, Syria, is it a turning point for the Kurds and for the region?

Falah Mustafa: This is a historic decision. Kurdistan shows that it is at the forefront of the international coalition against the Islamic state (EI). We must overcome the AR. We're on the side of peace, democracy, tolerance. And our international responsibility, morality, and to our Kurdish brothers in Syria is to intervene and defeat the Islamic state.

This is the first time that the peshmerga will fight outside the borders of Iraqi Kurdistan. This is not fun for everyone ...

First, the operation is an operation Kobané against the jihadists of the Islamic state. However, we must fight them wherever they are. Then the Kurdistan must support its Kurdish brothers, including outside Iraq. And finally, Kurdistan is a model for the free world. We do what is right. The main obstacle of this operation was geographical. We had to negotiate with Turkey. Otherwise, we would have intervened to Kobané earlier and with more fighters.

Read our story (subscribers edition) Iraqi Kurds fly to the rescue of their brethren in Syria

The support received from the international community since the offensive against the Kurdistan EI in August is it enough, from a military point of view, to both defend the region and intervene in Syria?

We appreciate this support, but we need more. We are at the front on behalf of the civilized world, and for freedom.

The first challenge is safe. We need heavy weapons to conduct offensive to destroy the Islamic State: drones, tanks, heavy artillery, anti-tank weapons ... The foreign air raids are effective but not enough. And we need to better share military intelligence.

The second challenge is humanitarian. There are more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees in Syria and Kurdistan. Additional approximately 10,000 refugees have arrived from Kobané by Turkey. And this happens in a year when we have not received anything from a budgetary point of view, Baghdad. Our peshmerga are not paid for three months. We need humanitarian and financial support.

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Ukraine leader Pravy Sektor ultranationalist party elected

Dmytro Iaroch, dirigeant du parti ultranationaliste ukrainien Pravy Sektor, le 8 mars à Kiev.
Dmytro Iaroch, leader of the ultranationalist party Ukrainian Pravy Sektor, March 8 in Kiev. | AFP / Yury KIRNICHNY

The sworn enemy of the Kremlin, Dmytro Iaroch, leader of the ultranationalist paramilitary movement Ukrainian Pravy Sektor was elected to the occasion of early elections, Sunday, Oct. 26.
The 43-year-old won the election by a majority vote in a district of the Russian speaking Dnipropetrovsk region from which it originates, as an almost final official result.

His party has meanwhile received less than 2% of the national vote while it takes more than 5% to be represented in Parliament.


Pravy Sektor is a movement described by Mr. Iaroch as "nationalist, not fascist," which has gained great popularity among protesters in Kiev is showing during the violent clashes between protesters and security forces, raining pavers and Molotov cocktails at police. The party claims the controversial legacy of Ukrainian Nationalists of the Second World War.

Some of its members are now fighting alongside Ukrainian troops defending Donetsk airport, one of the hot spots on the eastern front, where Kiev fight against pro-Russian separatist rebellion.

In Russia, Dmytro Iaroch is charged with "incitement to terrorism" and Moscow has issued an international arrest warrant against him....

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

What is known about the shooting in the Canadian Parliament

Was long believed that there were several shooters in the center of Ottawa, Canada's capital, Wednesday, Oct. 22, as the shots were fed in Parliament, minutes after a Canadian soldier was killed near a memorial. The police chief finally said in the evening that there was only one attacker and that he was killed. 
It all started in the morning, when a man armed with a rifle and dressed in black, according to witnesses, shot a soldier near a war memorial. Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, died when Quick arrived. Three other people were slightly injured. Soon the center of Ottawa was completely sealed off and invested by hundreds of police and heavily armed commandos, supported by light armored vehicles. 

Gunfire then rang inside the Parliament, which was cordoned off by police, as the entire city center. However, contrary to the information initially released, no shooting has taken place in the Rideau shopping center, police said.

The gunman was identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian 32-year récemmment converted to Islam and was radicalized. Ottawa police said not yet be able to establish if multiple assailants were involved.

mercredi 15 octobre 2014

The fat liver will be banned in California

Adoptée en 2004 MAIS Appliquée Huit ans, plus Tard, la loi californienne Interdit Tout aliment ISSU du gavage de volailles.

La Cour suprême des États-Unis a autorisé, le mardi 14 Octobre, l'État de Californie pour maintenir l'interdiction de foie gras en place depuis 2012 les juges ont refusé d'entendre un appel interjeté par Hot la chaîne de restaurants et producteurs de foie gras, y compris l'Association des éleveurs de canards et d'oies du Québec.
Adoptée en 2004, mais appliqué huit ans plus tard, la loi californienne interdit toute nourriture de l'alimentation des volailles.

«Humain» contre les animaux 

En Août 2013, un tribunal fédéral avait confirmé l'interdiction de ce plat, rejetant l'argument selon lequel l'interdiction viole les règles du libre-échange. La décision de 27 pages a ensuite souligné comment le foie gras est produit, avec des descriptions détaillées expliquant comment canards gavés pour les forcer à stocker la graisse dans leur foie, la méthode des associations de défense des droits révolte des animaux.

"La décision de la Cour suprême signifie que les gens de la Californie ont le droit d'interdire la vente de certains produits alimentaires de cruauté commis contre les animaux", s'est félicité Jonathan Lovvorn, avocat de la Humane Society des États-Unis qui milite pour les droits des animaux.

Malgré les réticences anglo-saxon, les exportations de foie gras français, cependant, continuent de croître de 4,6 millions d'euros, grâce à de bonnes performances en Belgique et au Japon, en dépit d'une baisse de l'activité en Espagne. Ils atteignent € 104 000 000.

Hong Kong: violence and arrests in the streets

The student more demanding autonomy for Hong Kong movement lasts for several weeks, occupying certain intersections in the city. In the night from Tuesday 14 to Wednesday, October 15, the police tried to dislodge a road near government buildings, causing the most violent clashes since the beginning of the protests. At least 45 protesters were arrested and police behavior, which previously avoided being too brutal, heavily criticized. 
Police suspected abuse have been suspended after the broadcast by local television TVB images showing six plainclothes policemen hanging around a protester handcuffed. The man was forced to lie down. An officer stands over him and hits him with his fists, while three other police give him a series of kicks. The attack lasted four minutes, according to the television.

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

In Kobani, Kurdish fighters besieged by jihadists

Un Kobané, en Syrie, prés de la frontière turque, le 9 octobre.

Les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique (AE) avance plus loin dans Kobani. Ils ont saisi, le vendredi 10 octobre, le quartier général des forces kurdes dans la ville frontière nord de la Syrie Turquie, selon l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH).

Selon Rami Abdel Rahman, chef de OSDH, les djihadistes ont pris «au moins 40%" de la ville, et un contrôle quasi total »la sécurité du quartier», où les bâtiments de la protection de l'administration locale et les unités locales du Peuple (YPG, principale milice kurde syrienne) et la base des (forces de sécurité kurdes Assayish).


Le bombardement de la coalition menée par les Etats-Unis ont intensifié autour de la ville depuis mardi, atteignant un total de 47 raids depuis le 27 Septembre.

Repoussé pendant un certain temps, les djihadistes ont commencé à prendre d'assaut jeudi la preuve que les frappes aériennes de la coalition ne parviennent pas à les contenir complètement dans l'est de la ville. Leur efficacité a été remise en question, même dans les rangs américains. James Kirby, porte-parole du Pentagone, a reconnu mercredi que "les frappes aériennes seules [feraient] pas sauver la ville de Kobani."

jeudi 9 octobre 2014

In Japan, the yakuza can insure their cars again !!

Un ancien parrain yakuza, qui ne souhaite pas être identifié, fume une cigarette dans sa résidence de Tokyo en mars 2009.

Letter from Tokyo. Between fight against crime and public safety, he had to choose. Since September in Japan, the yakuza can again take out car insurance. This should allow ordinary citizens to be compensated in the event of an accident with a member of the Japanese underworld.

Accepted by the Financial Services Agency (FSA), this decision ends a practice that became widespread since 2011, and the authorities' decision to prohibit companies from doing business with the "anti-social forces" as organizations are called criminal. Following the move, the Japanese federation of insurance companies had written a directive to break a contract, "since the contractor was recognized as a member of the underworld, even after he caused an accident."

In Kobane, fighting continues despite airstrikes

Les djihadistes de l'Etat islamique ont lancé un nouvel assaut contre la ville syrienne de Kobani dans la nuit du mercredi 8 à jeudi 9 octobre.

The Battle of Kobane between Kurdish fighters and jihadists of the Islamic state (EI) continues, a few kilometers from the Turkish border, while the international community struggles to coordinate to prevent the fall of the Syrian city with a Kurdish majority.
Equipped with heavy weapons and tanks, jihadists have entered some new areas of the city, Thursday, Oct. 9, after being pushed back yesterday. "Civilians may have been killed because there is intense competition," said Asya Abdullah, vice-president of the Democratic Union Party (DUP), the main Kurdish organization involved in defending Kobané.

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH) confirms the information, citing a suicide truck bombing in the area. It added that jihadists have benefited from the arrival of reinforcements from the Syrian province of Rakka, their rear base. Evidence that air strikes by the coalition around the United States fail to push the jihadists, or even cut off their supply lines.

James Kirby, spokesman for the Pentagon has acknowledged Wednesday that "air strikes only n ['would] not save the city from Kobane"