dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Russia and Ukraine close to a deal to restore gas supplies

Les livraisons de gaz en direction de l'Ukraine pourraient bientôt reprendre.

Russia and Ukraine are moving toward an agreement that would restore the supply of Russian gas, suspended since June and the outbreak of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. 
"We negotiated a plan today for the winter at several points", which should enable Ukraine and all European countries that depend on transit to not run out of gas, said Günther Oettinger European energy Commissioner. He called the agreement, which must still be approved by the two capitals of "interim solution to ensure supply." According to Oettinger, who played the mediator between the two sides, the agreement guarantees in Kiev at least 5 billion cubic meters of gas by the end of December against prepayment. 

According to the "Interim Agreement", Ukraine would pay initially for the repayment of outstanding $ 3.1 billion ($ 2.4 billion) in Gazprom, after which supply will resume. The negotiated price is 303 euros for 1000 m3, less than the 382 euros that Gazprom had wanted to impose, but more than the price prevailing before the change of government in Ukraine (211 euros).

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