vendredi 9 janvier 2015

Réunion internationale anti terroriste à Paris

Le président Barack Obama rend hommage, au côté de l'ambassadeur Gérard Araud, aux victimes de l'attaque contre "Charlie Hebdo", jeudi 8 janvier, à l’ambassade de France, à Washington.
President Barack Obama honors, alongside Ambassador Gerard Araud, the victims of the attack against "Charlie Hebdo", Thursday, January 8, at the Embassy of France in Washington.

Antiterrorist international meeting to be held at the Interior Ministry in Paris Sunday, January 11, in the presence of the US Department of Justice, the Attorney General, Eric Holder. They will discuss how to approach the threat of terrorism, the issue of foreign fighters and the fight against violent extremism.
"There will especially a lot of symbolism in this," says a senior EU source in Brussels. This group, made up initially by Manuel Valls, meets periodically effect for nearly two years. This "G6" brings together the ministers of interior French, German, British, Spanish, Italian and Polish, as well as US and Canadian officials. In the Daily Telegraph, the head of MI5, the British domestic intelligence service says that a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, preparing the "large-scale" attacks in the UK.
Sunday's discussion should reaffirm some principles such as the need to strengthen international cooperation - and intra-European - better communication between all stakeholders of the Anti-terrorism, an increased role for Europol, etc. The question of the revision of the Schengen Code (the rules of the European area without passport) should also be addressed.